Legal aspects.
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Welcome to Volkswagen AG

The information services offered here are provided by Volkswagen AG on the basis of these conditions for use.

1. Performance and warranty for the information service
The information contained on these Web pages has been carefully compiled by Volkswagen AG and is available with a mean availability of 97.5% on average for the year

The information is not binding. Volkswagen AG cannot accept any liability for the results obtained through use of this information, particularly as regards the correct, up-to-date and complete nature of the information, nor that the quality of the information meets with your wishes and requirements.

Any information concerning vehicles which may be contained on these Web pages must be considered as approximate. Volkswagen AG reserves the right to undertake changes in design and delivery, as well as to modify the terms of sale for new vehicles and the prices. Information on prices and standard equipment, as well as on statutory, legal or fiscal regulations and effects is only valid in the Federal Republic of Germany. The illustrations also show optional accessories and special equipment not included in the standard prices.

Some of the information offered with these services reflects the opinion of the Volkswagen management. Insofar as this information concerns future developments, it is normally identified through the use of such terms as "expected", "planned", "intended" or similar expressions. Since future developments depend on different factors which cannot always be predicted, Volkswagen AG cannot accept any liability for the accuracy of these forward-looking statements. These statements will be updated by the management at its discretion. The information offered and displayed with regard to the stock exchange and economy, exchange rates, indices, prices, news and general market data, etc. is intended merely for visitors to the Volkswagen's Internet site and does not constitute any form of investment advice or any other recommendation. Volkswagen AG cannot accept any liability for analysts' recommendations contained on the Web pages, particularly not for the correct and complete nature of the assumptions and conclusions underlying these recommendations.

The information must be checked before it is used in any way at all. Binding statements can only be issued in response to specific enquiries.



2. Special information services
Please note that some of the information and communication services set up on the Web pages of Volkswagen AG through special portals are additionally governed by the terms for use of the portals concerned.



3. Services by partners
Some of the information services are rendered by our partners. Please note that these services are subject to the partners' terms of business and that the inclusion of their Web pages in the Website of Volkswagen AG does not constitute any kind of recommendation or guarantee. Volkswagen AG is not responsible for the contents of these pages. The providers concerned are not the vicarious agents of Volkswagen AG.



4. Links to third-party Websites
The Web pages of Volkswagen AG contain links to third-party Websites. Volkswagen does not acquire ownership of the third-party sites accessed via links and is not responsible for their contents.



5. Permissible use of the services
Regulations concerning copyright, names and brandnames, as well as other third-party property rights must be observed and respected when using these services. All the Web pages of Volkswagen AG, including the photographs, music and brandnames, such as "Volkswagen" or "Golf", are protected. The same also applies with regard to the industrial property rights of our Group companies. These Web pages and the conditions for their use must not be interpreted as granting any kind of licence or other right to the property rights of Volkswagen AG. You, the user, undertake to desist from any abusive use of the services, in particular
  • not to bypass any of the safety precautions protecting the information service;
  • not to use any facilities or execute applications possibly or actually damaging the facilities or leading to failure of Volkswagen AG, in particular by changing the physical or logical structure of the servers or network of Volkswagen AG or other networks;
  • not to integrate the information services or part thereof in other Websites, whether private or commercial, nor to use the services for commercial purposes.

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Volkswagen AG uses cookies when you visit our Website. You can decide on the use and scope of the cookies yourself, through your computer setting (normally in the Internet browser, e.g. Internet Explorer; for further information see Help).

Volkswagen AG assumes that you agree to the use of cookies if permitted by your browser. Refer to our Privacy Statement for further information on data security and privacy.



7. Links to the Volkswagen AG pages
Hyperlinks to the homepage of the Volkswagen Web pages, such as and to individual pages are permissible if:
  • the page to which the link refers is reloaded completely by the link without the page concerned being framed.
  • Volkswagen AG is informed of the link by an e-mail to within 24 hours of the link being set.
  • the hyperlink clearly states that it is a link, the word "link to Volkswagen AG" appears on the page containing the link or the title of the corresponding page of Volkswagen AG to which reference is made is used in combination with the word "link to Volkswagen AG".
All other links must be approved by Volkswagen AG before they are set. Volkswagen AG reserves the right to prohibit the use of links, despite compliance with the above obligation.



8. Liability
Volkswagen AG shall only be liable in cases of wilful intent, gross negligence, cases covered by the German law on product liability and for the absence of warranted properties. In cases of minor negligence, Volkswagen AG shall only be liable if a material obligation is violated, the magnitude of such liability claims being limited in value to the foreseeable loss.



Security when sending messages to Volkswagen AG
If you wish to send a e-mail to Volkswagen AG via your private e-mail account, please note that, due to the technical structure of the Internet, you must take your own precautions to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the e-mail. Conventional encryption software available on the market can be used for this purpose, for example.

If you wish to send a e-mail directly from the contact area of Volkswagen AG, it should be noted that such data is transmitted without encryption and that the confidentiality and integrity of the contents cannot be guaranteed.



Changes in the scope of performance and conditions for use
Volkswagen AG reserves the right to expand or reduce the service or part thereof or to change functions at any time. The rapid pace of developments in the Internet makes it necessary to amend these conditions for use from time to time. The latest version of the conditions for use must therefore always be noted.



11. Applicable law
Use of the services and the present conditions for use are governed by German law except for the provisions governing the conflict of laws.

If you have any problems or questions concerning the Volkswagen AG pages, click here. We hope you enjoy using these services.


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